
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"Harry and Louise" Redux?

Dan Perrin at Redstate has the anti-ObamaCare advertisement found to be most effective in a MediaCurves study: The ad, created by the conservative Christian lobbying group Family Research Council, was found to be most effective by both Democrats and Republicans. Glenn Kesler, president and CEO of HCD Research commented:
"A positive impact score among Democrats suggests that there is some, albeit modest, movement of Democrats away from the pro health care reform camp."

The study showed:
The majority of all parties reported that the FRC anti reform ad was effective, with 64% of Democrats, 81% of Republicans and 71% of Independents indicating that the ad was either extremely effective or somewhat effective. Redstate reports the abortion issue is raised due to the fact that no other issue gathers as many NO votes among Democrats as does the funding of abortions through taxpayer money. This is consistent with my report earlier suggesting the Democrats' support for the abortion issue through the years is playing against them in the health care debate.

The ad is reminiscent of the "Harry and Louise" ads that were effective in bringing down the Cinton health care reform. For those who care to stroll down memory lane, here is one of those ads:

UPDATE: I was reminded in the comments that there is more information available on the study at MediaCurves. I have changed the post to include that link above and here in the update. Please go and read the rest of the details including the emotions experience by both Dems and Republicans when watching the ad.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ben, I had thought I linked MediaCurves in my original post but it appears I have been remiss. I will put an update in the post.


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