
Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th on Beck

Carol @ No Sheeples Here made this great graphic to promote the appearance of her friend Clifton on today's Glenn Beck Show.  Clifton  blogs at Another Black Conservative, has a teaser posted promising behind the scenes details after the show airs.   I also saw this tweet from Adrienne2012 who mentioned her appearance on Beck as well.  Adrienne's blog Motivation Truth has a sneak peek at some behind the scenes details which leads me to believe the group of conservative bloggers were  disappointed by the experience.  She linked to Maria My Voice on the Wings of Change who said rather ominously:

....Emphasis on appearing.

I did not talk once. Not a sound or a peep.

The show did not go AT ALL the way some of us conservatives expected it to.

Mmmmm,  I have no idea what to make of any of this but my curiosity is definitely piqued for this show.    I hope I am just reading a bit too much in their posts at this late hour.  We'll see when the show airs anyway.  In the mean time I have four new blogs added to my blogroll.  I look forward to hearing about their Glenn Beck adventure later in the day.

Linked at Pundit & Pundette.  Thank you!


  1. Wow that ought to be interesting.  I know there are Black conservatives because I'm one.  But advertising that fact brings a lot of trouble in your direction.  Very interesting.  I'm looking forward to your report on it.  

  2. Wow that ought to be interesting.  I know there are Black conservatives because I'm one.  But advertising that fact brings a lot of trouble in your direction.  Very interesting.  I'm looking forward to your report on it.  

  3. Yes, I am really curious what happened.  Clifton's report is pretty neutral so at this point I am reading tea leaves.


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