
Monday, March 22, 2010

The Gentleman From Wisconsin

I know that many of us are feeling lost, even beaten tonight after that shameful abuse of power displayed in Washington. I refuse to lay down and accept defeat. Today starts us on our way to delivering a massive wakeup call to those in Washington who callously ignored the voice of the American people. We are 7 months or so from making that happen.

One of the rewards in this long first battle has been the emergence of real leadership on the right. I continue to be amazed by Paul Ryan. His speech tonight moved me. I have a sneaking suspicion that a certain man residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue trembles, at least internally when Paul Ryan begins to speak. As Martha Stewart would say, that's a good thing.


  1. Yep. The Big 0 definitely is paying attention to Ryan. Careful attention. Methinks the Dems will be handling him a little more carefully than Sarah Palin. Ryan's not standing there with an infant in his arms.

  2. "I have a sneaking suspicion that a certain man residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue trembles, at least internally when Paul Ryan begins to speak. "

    Indeed. Ryan is reaching rock star status with my family.


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