Easy group idea: The Obama administration
Politics Chicago-style comes to DC
Whoever is lucky enough to play Rahm Emmanuel can carry a horse head. In lieu of weapons you could substitute green jobs and health care. A hope and change lapel sticker would provide the subtle clue your group isn't a run-of-the-mill group of gangsters.

Cruella de Ville is just one of the cartoon characters that comes to mind for Pelosi. Pairing her with a group of blue dogs in lieu of dalmations seems appropriate. The blue dogs costume would be an easy one to put together with blue sweats, a dog nose and of course a leash, preferably a short one. She doesn't need a leash for all though; there are plenty of lap dogs as we all know.
Here is a variation on the same idea: Pelosi as the Wicked Witch accompanied by her flying blue monkeys. You would need to rely on identifying the monkeys as Blue Dogs here as the Pelosi part requires botox and plastic surgery. I think a name tag would do the job. Who could accompany the group with a bucket of water?
Here is a variation on my description of the Baucus Bill. Described by others as the Vapor Bill, I tended to think of it as Claude Raines the Invisible bill. The costume that flowed from that image is Hillary the Invisible Secretary of State. This would be easy to put together. All that is needed is a blonde wig, a pantsuit, some gauze and a pair of sunglasses. Make sure you leave enough of your eyes unwrapped so you can see the reset button or the path to a primary in 2012.
An Obama Czar costume shouldn't be too difficult. Glenn Beck has a list of 32 of them so you're bound to at least be in the ball park of looking like at least one. Save a copy of a Mao portrait on a disk, take it to your nearest Kinko's for printing and cut a hole for your face. Voila you're a Czar. For a more subtle approach you could purchase The Communist Party t-shirt at Threadless, declare your affiliation with the Communist party and make yourself an honorary Czar. Don't declare it too loudly, you might end up accidentally appointed Czar. There are still many positions unfilled throughout the administration. As long as you haven't paid your taxes you might end up with a high level job in Washington. Anne Leary, the Backyard Conservative has her eye on this costume. Smitty has his eye on the Czar d'Oz.
Running with the Communist/Socialist theme, here is a sure fire hit. Remember the Campaigner in Chief's latest stump speech, "Why don't you grab a mop, why don't you help clean up. 'You're not mopping fast enough, that's a socialist mop.' Work with me here, I have no picture to show but the costume idea is pretty straightforward. If you guessed socialist mop as the costume, give yourself some bonus points. A pair of brown or tan sweats make the handle which is set off with a skirt made from clothesline rope. Top it off with a Che hat and you're in business. For ladies who want to go as a sexy socialist mop, consider a tan or brown bodysuit with a matching pair of tights instead of the sweats or go all out and do a variation of Babbette the feather duster but with clothesline fringe.
If you would rather stay on the right side of the aisle, consider impersonating your favorite blogger. There are many bloggers who shape the minds of our future leaders in the hallowed halls of respected universities by day. When the blogosphere calls with breaking news they strip away their academic garb to reveal their Superman Underoo jammies as they head to their keyboards faster than a speeding bullet.
We have Professor William Jacobson who toils by day as a mild-mannered law professor at Cornell, super blogger at Legal Insurrection by night. The Blogprof is an Associate Professor of Engineering in Michigan, when he is not blogging or body-building. Donald Douglass is an Associate Professor of Political Science in Southern California. Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit fame, is a law professor at the University of Tennessee when he isn't busy bestowing the beloved instalanche on grateful bloggers everywhere. Pat Austin teaches English by day and blogs at "And so it goes in Shreveport"
before and after school.
I think the costume here is self-explanatory
In the spirit of Jim Halpert's 3-hole punch costume, paper or in this case graph paper can work as costumes. Consider sporting the blogger's dream in costume form. I speak, of course of the instalanche. Troglopundit's latest and from what I gather greatest, is featured on the costume prototype.

The Paco Enterprise Nobel Prize Committee
“La-deeeez an’ yentlemen! Tewnight dis here Committee hass de honor tew present de Nobel Peace Prize tew a trewly distinguished
citizen of de vorld."
“La-deeeez an’ yentlemen! Tewnight dis here Committee hass de honor tew present de Nobel Peace Prize tew a trewly distinguished
citizen of de vorld."
But if you're determined to take on the left, here is my last suggestion. With polls heading down in flames and Virginia and other forthcoming elections showing nothing but bad news for the Democrats in charge, Robert Gibbs always finds a way to declare they are winning, if only in their imaginary war on Fox News. This makes Baghdad Bob Gibbs the perfect caricature of this administration. Oh, the comedy that could be written with variations on quotes from Baghdad Bob the first coming from the mouth of Baghdad Bob Gibbs.
*Gasp* Somebody read Czar d'Oz! *joyous weeping* :)
ReplyDeleteOf course, how could I resist something with that title 8-)
ReplyDeleteGoing for politically inspired 2012 Halloween costumes would certainly set you apart from the usual cartoon and superhero inspired costumes!