
Monday, January 18, 2010

Hope ~ the Obama Musical

Well folks, it doesn't get any stranger than this. This is "High School Musical Does DC" complete with soppy love songs between an argyle-clad Obama and a "mod" Michelle Obama, presumably from their courtship days . There is too much to take in on the first viewing honestly. Don't miss the singing Janet Napolitano who sings in German, perhaps the gaffes are less noticeable that way. We also see a ballad from John McCain. We see a brief bit from Hillary who must be quite flattered by the actress chosen to play her part. The actress portrays another character too, any guesses who? Actually the actress plays Sarah Palin as well, though I haven't been able to find a spot where she is included in this 2 minute montage. I found a picture of Palin's scene as well as one of Jeremiah Wright. Both can be seen below the video:

Guest of a Guest has more photos.


  1. LOL Jill, followed by Obama the Saturday morning cartoon. Come 2012 all reruns though.


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